…demands court-marshal, dismissal under Army law
As high profile cases of corruption recently hit the polity, a nonprofit organization, Centre for Social Justice, Equity and Transparency, CESJET, yesterday, disclosed of writing to President Bola Tinubu over alleged diversion of arms procurement funds by Major Generals Erema Akerejola and Adeyinka Adereti of the Nigerian Army respectively.

The letter dated Wednesday 8th February 2024, addressed to President Bola Tinubu, and signed by the Executive Director, CESJET, Adebayo Lion Ogorry, pointed out that it became imperative for CESJET to draw the President’s attention to the alleged illegalities committed by the two Generals.
The CSO also asserted that many a times people have faulted the 1999 Constitution as the cause of the endemic corruption that has corroded every progress the country supposed to achieve over the years and had alo permeated in in the Armed Forces in particular.
The letter reads in part: “Mr President Sir, all over the world no President has shown the zeal and determination to fight the endemic evil of Corruption in Nigeria. However the use of booths, bombs and guns have all failed in the past because of the cancerous nature of institutionalised Corruption in the set up. Many a times people have faulted the Constitution as the cause of our Corruption in the society in general and the Armed Forces in particular.
“The Center for Social Justice, Equity and Transparency (CESJET) is a Civil Society Organisation that is affiliated to Transparency International and we specialise on Public Interest, Human Rights and Anti-Corruption, CESJET is concerned with anything affecting the well-being, rights, health or future of the Nigerian Public at large. Over the years our team of highly trained Human Rights Activists, Lawyers and Anti-Corruption Crusaders have dedicated our time and resources to fight human rights abuses as well as Corruption in high places.
“CESJET believes that Nigeria being a country bountifully endowed with human and natural resources cannot make any meaningful progress unless the cankerworm called “Corruption ” is either eradicated completely or reduced to the barest minimum.
“CESJET strongly feels that it is time to draw your attention to the illegalities committed by Major General Erema Akerejola and Maj. General Adeyinka Adereti against the the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
“We are aware that a law firm by name Orient Law firm Petitioned him before the House of Representatives Committee on Public Petitions for corrupt practices, fraud, diversion of funds meant for Arms procurement, gross abuse of office by owning private companies and failure to declare assets on the 17th of November 2023.
“On the 21st of November Maj General Adeyinka Adereti who is the present Director of Procurement of the Nigerian Army, The Petitioners were Summoned for a Hearing Notice to appear before the committee on Thursday 30th November 2023 and he showed up at the National Assembly along with his Legal Representatives and the Petitioners were called forward to substantiate their petition and they started but were cut short midway by the Chairman, House Committee on Public Petitions, whereupon the petition was adjourned Sine Die.
“Your Excellency Sir, it is worthy to note that their petition raised salient issues bothering on heinous corrupt and fraudulent practices committed by Major General Erema Akerejola and Maj. General Adeyinka Adereti and against the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
“We feel that the Chairman, House Committee on Public Petitions is trying to sweep that petition under the carpet for no justifiable reason. Hence, there is an urgent need for your Excellency to intervene as a matter of urgency to ensure that Major General Erema Akerejola and Maj. General Adeyinka Adereti is brought to book.
“Nigeria cannot be looking for money to fund the 2024 budget when unscrupulous persons like Maj. General Erema Akerejola and Maj. General Adeyinka Adereti have decided to use private companies as conduit pipes to syphon public funds.
“Your Excellency should bear in mind that Nigerians hold you in very high esteem. So much is expected of you in terms of integrity, tact and your ability to work with the best hands available.
“CESJET would want you to know that any attempt to shield Maj. General Erema Akerejola and
Maj. General Adeyinka Adereti as the Director of Procurement at the Army Headquarters in Abuja, court-mashalled and prosecuted for the atrocities he has committed will be highly misinterpreted by both local and international observers. It will spell doom for the Nigerian Army, which normally should be a custodian of the security and safety of Nigerians.”
Therefore, the CSO made salient demands that it wants the President to act urgently as the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
“Our demands at CESJET; That Mr. President as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces orders the Chief of Defence Staff to remove Maj. General Erema Akerejola and Maj.General Adeyinka Adereti as Director of procurement, investigate the weighty allegations in the petition and if found culpable he should be court-mashalled under Army law.
“Or in the alternative, set up a special investigative panel made up of two members from the EFCC, two members from the ICPC, two from the Code of Conduct Bureau and Code of Conduct Tribunal, two members from the Depart of State Security and two members from the Nigerian Army to investigate the allegations contained in that petition against Maj. General Erema Akerejola and Maj.General Adeyinka Adereti.
“That if Maj. General Erema Akerejola and Maj General Adeyinka Adereti is indicted by the Special Investigative Panel he should be Dismissed from the Army and Prosecuted by the EFCC at the Federal High Court specifically before Hon Justice Okon Abang who CESJET believes has the capacity, moral fiber and integrity to try him without bias, fear or sentiments for Corruption.
“That if Maj. General Erema Akerejola and Maj General Adeyinka Adereti is found guilty by the Court he should be made to return to the Federal Government all the public funds and kickbacks he used his private companies as conduit pipes to syphon.”
However, CESJET warned that, “To this end we implore you Mr President, Sir, to do the needful as demanded herein, otherwise we shall be compelled to mobilise the Media, Civil Society Organisations and other Anti-Corruption Crusaders for a MASSIVE PROTEST at the National Assembly Complex, the American Embassy and the British Embassy to tell the International community how your government truncated our effort towards bringing Maj General Adeyinka Adereti to justice as well as eradicating corruption from the Nigerian military.
“We will also be officially writing to Transparency International, Amnesty International, Chattam House in the United Kingdom and the Former American Ambassador to Nigeria Mr John Campbell who is on the Council on Foreign Relations, at Ralph Bunche Center and id also the Senior Fellow for Africa policy studies who are all watching keenly to see if your body language is one that permits corruption under your watch.
“We have full and absolute confidence in your leadership as President of the poor masses of our beloved country and earnestly believe that you will order the suspension, investigation, sacking and prosecution of Maj. General Erema Akerejola and Maj.General Adeyinka Adereti.